Sunday, July 31, 2016

Excelent virtual tour software maker

In the last years I have been on the road too much, in fact, I think that my whole life was a constant and continues travel - as I am sure now that I know all the nice places where you could live in the United States (except Georgia, of course) with usp and downs, with advantages and disadvantages and so on.

If you want great neighbours I know that you will need to go and live in Texas, if you want snow, then Detroit and the surroundings are certainly a good place to go and live in, if you like surfeing - well... there are more solutions there, but there really are a lot of places that I could recommend depending on your needs.

But... to return in my situation, I have to live my town where I have purchased a house 2 years ago due to the fact that things have become complicated - too complicated - and I really don't like this place anymore.

So - starting with a small problem with a job, now I will need to sell my property, but I am not in the mood of having too many visits or doing a lot of conversations with the interested people - so I have decided too use a great piece of software to solve my presentation problems - it is a virtual tour software maker that is able to create a virtual tour presentation of my hose, the house that I want to sell and I will put it online hoping that only the people that like the presentation of my house will came to visit.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Unde gasesc cazare ieftina in Baia Mare

Oricine ajunge in Baia Mare are nevoie de un loc de cazare confortabil, care sa le indeplineasca toate conditiile, insa ofertele hotelierilor sunt destul de limitate, astfel ca cele mai bune locuri se ocupa imediat. In schimb, oricand se poate apela la regimul hotelier, intrucat acest sistem este avantajos din mai multe puncte de vedere. Cine cauta cazare ieftina in Baia Mare, poate sa opteze pentru acesta si se va bucura de preturi foarte bune, mult mai mici ca la hotel, astfel ca la finalul sederii se vor face economii de pana la 40%.
Avantajele regimului hotelier
Pentru o camera de hotel cu o suprafata modesta de cel mult 10 metri patrati, oaspetii ajung sa plateasca minim 150 de lei, insa in Baia Mare, te poti caza in aceleasi conditii, insa intr-un apartament de 3 camere cu o suprafata de peste 60 de metri patrati. Asadar, in acel apartament se pot caza in conditii grozave chiar si 6 persoane, caz in care tariful se poate imparti egal si devine unul modic. Mai mult decat atat, se mai pot face economii si prin faptul ca oaspetii au posibilitatea de a-si gati oricand isi doresc in bucataria proprie, asfel ca nu mai trebuie sa apeleze la restaurantele si fast food-urile din imprejurimi.

Cine are nevoie de cazare ieftina in Baia Mare se poate bucura de acelasi confort ca acasa si nici nu mai este deranjat de atmosfera formala prezenta in hoteluri. In plus, se gasesc conditii pentru toate gusturile, echivalentul a 3, 4 sau 5 stele, la preturi foarte avantajoase, motiv pentru care nu este de mirare de ce regimul hotelier este din ce in ce mai popular. Televizor led, internet wireless, aer conditionat, una sau doua bai, locuri de parcare, sunt doar cateva dintre facilitatile oferite, iar oaspetii se pot bucura de o sedere grozava in Baia Mare.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Transfer to otopeni airport

I was in deep problerms as I needed a very fast transfer to the Otopeni airport from Bucharest - so I have tried to call a couple of comapnies, but no one was very responsive. I have tried to find some taxi drivers, but again, I had no luck in doing this.

After a couple of phone calls to several business associates I have managed to find someone for 5 minutes, only to find out at the last possible minute that he will be unable to give me a ride to the airport - I have to be onest here and to tell the truth - so I have panicked, as I was 100% sure that I will not find a cab or any kind of car that would give me a ride to the airport.

But guess what... I had a moment of calm and inspiration and made a search on google - a simple search on that search engine was the key to my problem solving - so again, as google always knows better, the search engine showed me an ad, I clicked on the ad an found the rent car with driver website.

Then... I just called and quickly found a very helpfull person that proposed me not to panic and promosed that I won't loose my plane. So those guis were real professionals, they came very quick at my adress with a luxury MErcedes car (that I am really enjoying) and drove me to the airport very fast and very safe at the same time.

Then, when I have arrived at the airport (on time) it was clear that I really found the professionals that I was searching for in the matter of airport transfers and transport in Bucharest.

I highly recommend them as a highly professional team.